In Denpasar you will find the central market of Bali. This is the largest market on the island, where food, household goods, and clothing are sold. The non-food items can be found inside the long building (seen in the above photo), and the food can be found in the older building (see below) and during the day, stands fill the walkways and are tented as the only protection from the sun. While En and I did check out a local Jumbaran market (which is open daily from 4-8am) which ran half a street long, this market was far more overwhelming.

I noticed the fruits and vegetables are mostly, but not always fresh, yet there is an abundance that surprised me. Cartons upon cartons of eggs that were replenished by incoming shipments on the backs of pickups and bushels of greens were continuously being delivered on the tops of the deliverer's head. Who was buying all this food in the middle of the day?
I assume, like some other countr

ies in the general area, that food preparation at home is likely limited. There is an abundance of street vendors and tucked away local restaurants that seem focused on a take away clientele with limited seating. Balinese do not seem very interested in the sit down dining that we westerners are used to. And it's true - most dine-in restaurants I observed always have English accompanying the signage.

Take this poultry vendor, for example. Somebody is buying and preparing all that meat today. There is no refrigeration to preserve these buckets. But who am I to complain? All the local food we've had has been outstanding! Even within this market (unfortunately I didn't get a picture) were many women who made and sold treats, and while the contents weren't always identifiable, what little we tried was really good.
One thing I must say about traveling; the local markets tell much more about the people in a short time than probably any other experience you can encounter. Oh, and the passion fruit? Ah.... I could definitely live in Bali!
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